
As amusing as it was to hear Combat Jack and Premium Pete ask Consequence how he felt about being named as the Greatest Weed Carrier of All-Time on this site, he seems to be a little confused about how it actually works. Carrying another man’s weed can be an internship if you go on to become a weed owner yourself. Good examples of this are Del The Funky Homosapian, we went from holding for his cousin Ice Cube to assembling his Heiroglyphics weed holding army. Similarly, Jay-Z held bags for Big Daddy Kane for a while before he built his Roc-A-Fella baggage handler network.

In his own words, Cons confirms his weed carrier status:

‘I’ve been involved in such big moments prolly except my own. I’ve been a part of the championship teams.’

That is by definition what a weed carrier does. No shame in that. He then continues:

‘How can I be a weed carrier when my cousin gave me a record deal?’

Nepotism and cronyism are the foundations of the Weed Carrier – it’s all about putting your boys on until they can carry their own weight. He then defends his ability as a rapper, which has never been questioned. While some weed carriers are sub-par rappers, many of them aren’t. The late Big L carried for Lord Finesse when he first started out, and that hardly hurt his verbal abilities, did it?

‘I ain’t carry anybody’s weed!’

Actually carrying large quantities of smoke is not an official requirement to being a good sidekick. As Pete then points out, while paying dues with a crew, you may be called upon to get coffee or tea for the more senior members.

‘How am I a weed carrier on a record with twelve thousand spins on radio? My first shot?’

Being featured on a song by your cousin’s group means that you have once again met the most basic of weed holding criteria, just as Q-Tip held weed for the Jungle Brothers on ‘Black Is Black.’

‘Robbie’s an idiot.’

An idiot, or the guy who’s held up a mirror to some of your finest achievements throughout your career?

‘When someone devalues my twenty years by calling me a weed carrier? Put your money up right now!’

Once again, Consequence has been a part of two influential rap dynasties over two different generations. Who else can claim that honor?

‘”He’s like a mushroom on World 8 in Mario.” Nah, duke – I’m the Dragon! Don’t get it fucked up. I’m Koopa, nigga.’

Does he mean King Koopa, the giant turtle?


The whole point of this being, Consequence should embrace his GOAT Weed Carrier status and use it as a stepping stone to embark on the next stage of his career where he finally morphs into a Weed Owner and can begin to assemble a squad of weed holders to do bodega runs and whatnot.

Here’s the highlight reel where you can make your own decision…

  1. gx says:

    Lol. This guy has zero sense of humour. Put your money up “Robbie doesn’t have any kind of money”……